Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Savannah turned 8!

We asked her not to, warned her that it would only make us seem older, but she did it anyway. Savannah turned 8! We had a fun family party on her birthday with presents and her favorite dinner...rolls and fried ham. YUMMM.

She had a tea party with her friends on the following Saturday. They dressed up like princesses, painted their own tea cups and played a life sized version of Pretty Pretty Princess. Everybody had a smashing time and went home with their own personalized tea cup.

Later that evening Grandma, Grandpa, Emily, Jerred and Brooklyn came down and we all headed out to the Lake Oswego Stake Center. Savannah was baptized and we are all very proud of her decision. She has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and has already shown how stalwart she is and chooses the right most of the time.

Grandma and Emily surprised Savannah with a brand new beautiful custom-made white dress that Grandma sewed in one day, shoes and accessories. She looked like like an angel. The next day in church she was called up to the front. We had gotten to church late so we sat in the back. Our ward is really big so we actually have 3 overflows and we were technically in the gym. She walked past the entire took over a minute to get up there. In the hallways people stopped me again and again to tell me how angellic she looked.

We had a family birthday party for her after we were home from the baptism (and everyone was out of their fancy clothes). We had a blue dragon cake and Grandma and Grandpa took us out to Red Robin.