Monday, September 29, 2008

Picture Day!

When Random was born we looked at our brand new baby boy with his giant blue hands, gorilla shaped head and male-pattern baldness and had the following conversation: "Holy smokes." "Well, hopefully he'll have a great personality."

Not even a day had gone by, while we were still in shock at the wonder of new parenthood, when we received our first order form for professional pictures. It even had a note addressed to Mommy and Daddy from our brand new baby. "I know you want to share your joy with grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles, doctors and postmen. Please buy some pictures so that I know you love me. If you really really love me I know you'll buy the photo sweatshirt and keyring as well. -Your Baby"

So we bought the photos. They put our child on top of a frightening background, laid an even more frightening vest atop him and snapped pictures while he laid there stunned and bruised.

Here we are, 10 years and 2 kids later. Luckily, they have cutened up a bit since day 2. And, not so luckily, we still get the forms home with the same plea--you love your child and surely want to capture this moment forever. We still get the same frightening background--although now we can choose between a variety of unflattering colors. We still get the same weird scrunched up face--Scout said, "Don't worry Mommy. I smiled my biggest. Like a pirate."

And yet, I still buy them because-- Yes. I love my crazy pirate faced kids and I do want to capture every moment forever. Even the moments with the abnormal head tilt, magenta background and creepy hair slicked down by the overeager PTA volunteers.

Another one of those things to put in the category with double sided wrapping paper, heelies (you know, those wheeled shoes that cost a bajillion bucks that you bought for your kid after all the begging but that he grew out of before he got over his irrational fear of wheeled shoes--feel free to substitute skateboard, blendypens, MioPup, Moon Sand or any other thing that cost a fortune, was imperative that they have and was discarded five minutes later) and ballet classes. In twenty years it probably won't matter but for now you just do the best you can.

The activist inside of me wants to lobby against picture day as an unfair practice of preying on the guilt of parents. The capitalist inside of me wants to figure out how I can hop on this gravy train...if you love your child you would certainly take advantage of this once in a lifetime business opportunity.


Sarah said...

I remember you showing me that picture of Random in college. Before you showed it to me, you said something like, "Picture a balding 40 year old mafia man who just got in a fight." And then you showed me the picture. Pretty acurate description, I think. Good thing he's a lot cuter today. :o)

I personally can't stand not having control over school pictures, how my kids look, how they smile, what the background looks like etc. BUT, I still buy them. I don't know why.

Tricia said...

Hahaha! You always make me laugh! You are so right-on! We don't have school pictures to worry about anymore, but they still get you with the dance pictures, and the karate pictures & the soccer pictures, and the football pictures... said...

The other day Sarah admitted that she didn't have the funds to buy the school pictures this year as her husband is transitioning from carpenter to miner and the cash flow is ruined!

We talked at length about the prospect of being the only kid in class on the day pictures arrive who doesn't get any. So Grandma gave her the money for pictures and the book order.

We don't care about the pictures, but let's save dissapointment for Valentines Day!

Triddoch said...

We decided to skip picture day after I saw the outrageous cost and youre stuck with whatever the weird face is that the kids give on the first shot with the photographer telling them to say "pretty boys" or "stinky cheese" or whatever it is. I felt graet guilt chucking the form, but I think this year we'll just opt for JC Penny.

Eric wanted to know more about Random these days, so we looked at some of your posts about him. He LOVED the zelda party and the cake! We were also way impressed with the pine wood derby borg cube! Good work. Eric wants to know when we get to see you guys again. I told him next time we go to Oregon! So a big Hi to Random from Eric. He still remembers well the Halloween when both of them were dressed a "Blue" from Blues clues.

Megan said...

You make me laugh! Yes, I did pay a dumpload of money for Katie's school pictures with her squinty eyes and joker smile! I do actually refuse to pay for ballet ones though - I take my camera to dress rehearsal and click away! So I love her about 50/50 on the guilty mom scale:D

Triddoch said...

Hi! This is Marisa, using mommy's blah-g. Those pictures are so funny! You should do something exactly like that for school pictures. Ha ha! It's the same story! You have cute kids anyway.


Sarah Smiles said...

Your kids are adorable! The baby pictures are not quite so flattering, but they did turn out adorable and I am sure they have personality as well! I can tell they do from your album! I love the red hair. Where did it come from?

Sarah Smiles said...

I am Sarah Eich.