Saturday, May 3, 2008

He's TEN!

Random finally hit double digits. Much to our chagrin. It gets harder and harder to convince ourselves we're still 22 when he keeps getting older!

Random had a spectacular day. He requested scrambled eggs, sausage, muffins and chocolate milk for breakfast. We brought donuts and rootbeer to his classroom for a special treat. Troy kidnapped him and took him to lunch at Chili's and then out to see Nim's Island. They went over to the Lego Store, picked up their first Lego Mindstorm's kit and wandered for a little bit around Oregon Scientific before coming home.

We went to the store and had a hotly contested scavenger hunt/race to pick up the last few items for our picnic dinner. We drove out to Champoeg park for some flame-broiled burgers, potato salad and a few presents. While we were there we were harassed by a couple of squirrels and had a lot of fun chasing them off. Random got a nerf gun, a scooter and of course, a helmet. Champoeg was the perfect place for skooter-izing with its paved pathways and huge empty parking lots. After dinner and clean-up we went back home for the last few presents and Triforce cake (that's from The Legend of Zelda for you video game noobs). Troy and Random spent a little time building a basic robot with their Mindstorm kit and Random got to play a little of his new Pokemon DS game before bed.

When we were out at the park Random took the camera around and shot a lot of really great pictures. The images in the slideshow (without him in it) are mostly his work. Troy and I were impressed with his natural sense of composition.

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