I made raw "Spring Rolls" which was a hilarious thing to name this particular pile of vegetables. Apparently you're supposed to "tie" them with carrots. I was at that part of the recipe when I began laughing hysterically and Troy ran in to see if I had finally 'snapped.' Turned out I was just having a good old time making a huge old mess and some really pretty...and not THAT bad tasting... food. By the way, carrots don't make good twine...if you were wondering.
Later that night we were lying in bed talking about the day and I told Troy that if we decided to go "Raw" I would definitely have that recipe in our repertoire. He said he agreed but that he would phrase it more like this: If someone put a gun to my head and forced us to go "Raw" or die, I'd probably eat that recipe again.
Next up: Raw Asian Rice. It's been soaking for 48 hours and smells like dirt. This is really fun! hehehe
What's bright orange and sounds like a parrot?
A Carrot!
Amanda, you're a good influence on Troy. I remember distinctly that he didn't believe in anything natural. Watch, pretty soon he'll believe you can ease sunburn pain with Aloe Vera juice!
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