Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rawberry Shortcake

OK so the rice I had been soaking for the next raw recipe I wanted to make ended up smelling like fermented wood. We opted to put that particular dish on hold while we learned how to soak rice without also creating an intoxicating beverage. :-D

I had all the ingredients for a dish that was supposed to be the Raw-ists version of Strawberry Shortcake. The kids loved it and it definitely satisfied that craving I get every once in a while to have something so sweet it sends me into a sugar coma.

4 comments: said...

I helped a friend who has written two different raw food "cook"books to create a website, you can visit it at She hasn't made a beliver out of me, but she has certainly helped her own health.

Amanda said...

Thanks David! I wandered around her site and found a link to an interview in the Utah Daily Herald that had a couple of her recipes. Here's the link:
I wonder how Banana Bon Bons compare to Rawberry Shortcake...I guess I'll have to find out.

RainyPM said...

Troy, that reminds me of the time in High School chemistry that we fermented fruit and distilled alcohol. Do you remember that? I always remember it when I smell yeast.

Tricia said...

Sounds yummy! You got me hooked now! What about protein? My bro is taking me to eat some sushi mi(sp?)on Saturday...