Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sprouting Sprouts

I sprouted some Mung Beans. It was way more exciting than it should have been but I loved seeing them soften and split open and grow. It only two days to go from these tiny hard little green things to these slightly larger softer green and white things. Ahh the miracle of life.

They taste kinda like fresh sweet peas. We all think they're a delicious snack and apparently they're nutritious. I guess the sprouts have vitamin C which...weirdly enough...isn't in the bean itself. It's like magic. Water+Mung≥Orange. Luckily, they're also low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Show me another vegetable that can say THAT...oh...wait...nvm.

I read another helpful hint on the internet about mung beans. It's too funny...I'll just quote it directly. This is from Great-Workout .com

The nutritional value of mung beans makes them ideal for:

  • Weight loss
  • Maintaining optimum health

Don't include too many mung beans in your diet if you're interested in:

  • Weight gain
I don't know about anybody else but when I'm really focused on weight gain I tend not to include any fresh fruits or vegetables whatsoever. I guess when it comes time for the holidays mung beans are going to have to clear out for the stuffing, pie and home-baked goodies of the truly dedicated weight gainer.

Till then, I think I'll try growing something else...maybe lentils. It was easier than I thought and fast enough that the kids even kept interest.

2 comments: said...

Amanda, you've GOT to get this out of print book:
Growing Up Green..parents & Children Together by Alice & Gloria Huckaby Skelsey and Norma Erler Rahn
I checked Amazon today and there were two paperback and two hardbound.

Years ago, when the book was newly out, we got a copy. We read it cover to cover and did a lot of the activities in the book. Then Jeanne and I did a Relief Society Homemaking meeting together about it. We cut the book up to make really great handouts (pre scanner days).

From the fun you're having with sprouts and such, I'm sure you'll love some of the activities in the book.

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