Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Gomm Reunion 2008: Boise Edition

Here are some pictures of what went down at the reunion.

Tyler's daughter Angie came up with a genius relay race. We had to dress up and do a funky walk to the fence then turn around and run back. Gomms are good sports and crazy dressers.

Playing with cousins:

We got to go swimming at Tom & Kim's pool and at Tyler & Ann's pool. Sunburns for all!

We ate a lot. Troy and I made fresh squeezed lemonade which was super-duper if I do say so myself.

But mostly we just sat around:

Thanks to Tyler and his fancy camera work and to the Boise Gommses for letting us invade. We had a lot of fun.


Lynette in Delaware said...

Thanks for sharing!
Looks like you all had fun!
Wish we could have joined you.

Triddoch said...

Good Times! I'm glad you all did your best to put the fun in dysfunctional! Ha! said...

I even tried to call to wish you all a good time on the day of the reunion, but no one was answering their phones, which means it must have been a good time!

We hope to be able to attend the next bash!