Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bad Ideas

Yesterday I took the 3 little girls I watch to Target to pick up some things for Troy. While we were there I found these egg shaped bubbles in a 3-pack for a buck. Not the greatest deal on bubbles ever but they were pink and there were 3. It just seemed like destiny.

When we got them home and opened them up I realized a number of things. First, they had perfectly round bottoms. I thought that would be ok since there was a handy string the girls could wear around their necks while they blew the bubbles. Great.

Not great. The strings were attached to the bubble-wand-lids and the strings were only big enough to go around their wrist. But that's ok because they could hold the bubbles in one hand and the wand (securely tethered to their wrist) in the other. Great.

Not great. The bubble-wands broke off of the lids and settled at the bottom of the bubble bottles. Their teeeeny tiny openings that made them so cute and appealing to the little girls proved to be an evil plot by chinese manufacturers to overthrow the capitalist tyrants with stickiness and crying 4 year olds.

So it got me to thinking. I've had some bad ideas in my time. I've seen plenty of bad ideas that I managed to avoid. It's time to make a list, laugh a little, and start the healing.

Bad Ideas:

-That time I left the 3 year old Rand alone with the peanut butter

-Carpeted Dining Rooms


-5 minute long pop-diva ring tones

-That time we pressured Savannah into admitting she put the Rescue Hero down the toilet, ripped the toilet out, flipped it over and found out it was just a giant poo

-non-water-proof bibs

-"noisy toys" with no off switch

-That time they had the cub scouts take off their shoes, turned off all the lights in the gym and told them to play tag

-Chicago Math

-Single ply kleenex

-The Chutes (I could get on board with a game called Ladders)

-"Michigan Lefts"

So that's what I had on my mind this morning. I'm sure there are more bad ideas out there. Add to my list and while you're shaking your head at the idiocy of it all, check out this video.


Pb said...

Bad ideas?

How about:

Mustard on pizza

Movies with Pauly Shore

Anything with Pauly Shore, buuuddy.

Megan said...

You make me laugh!
OK, bad ideas:
-bangs (highly recommend waiting at least a month before deciding to chop it)
-toy handcuffs (don't ask)
-white shorts (especially when your children love colorful undies)
-shopping at Walmart expecting to not get injured in the process
-sending out 30 invitations to a child's birthday party (they might just all show up)
-grocery shopping on an empty stomach
-starting a movie at midnight
-any Wiggles CD or DVD
-leaving nuts on the back porch to feed a squirrel (there's never just one of them)

That's all I've got for now. Thanks for the laughs!
LOL, Megan said...

From Jeanne:

The time we decorated the church gym with helium ballon bouquets tied down with cute little paper cups filled with candy and then left to get ready for the cub scout meeting. When we got back, we were dumbfounded to find the balloons were gone, then we looked up. Some kids had eaten all the candy and the eight to ten bouquets had all floated to the ceiling.

When planning a little girls teaparty, don't research by looking up "faries" on the internet.

A really bad idea is going repelling with long hair that isn't securely tied back!

From David:

Now mine are in the form of bad presents, for years I gave Jeanne stupid presents for Christmas. What made them so bad was that I was just giving her ONE present..what was wrong with me?

Like the year I gave her hot mustard for Christmas? What was I thinking?

So the next year, I was sure not to make that mistake, I gave her a harmonica. Problem was, she didn't play the harmonica.

There were many bad ones but the worst was last. She opened up the box and laughed because it said it was an ultrasonic denture cleaner. But then it wasn't so funny when she realized that's what it was. "Yea, but you like to clean your jewelry when you go to the jewelry store and that's what they use, an ultrasonic cleaner." She just shook her head. Later a friend told me, "If you had any class, you would have given her some jewelry to clean."

Now I realize that if you give a person several presents, three or four good ones will overshadow and diminish the one or two stupid ones.