Monday, March 31, 2008

What's Your Favorite Children's Book?

Wednesday is International Children's Book Day. Troy keeps telling me that I'm falling for too many of these fake holidays but this one seems like it's been going on for long enough to be legitimate (started in 1967). Plus, this one's kinda like "Brush Your Teeth Day" or "Feed Your Children Day" or "Amanda's Birthday"...we really should be celebrating it everyday anyway.

Every year it's celebrated on or around Hans Christian Anderson's birthday which is April 2nd. The International Board on Books for Young people assigns a host country to choose a theme and create a poster with an image created by a local illustrator and a message to young readers by a local author. This year's country is Thailand and the theme is: Books enlighten; knowledge delights.

So, there are a bajillion zillion books out there aimed at our kiddos, which means there are at least 17 zillion that are just plain terrible. You know...the ones with 200 words per page with terrible illustrations, a meandering story line and lots of unlabeled quotes so when you do the voices they get all confused and with big page numbers so the kids know when you "creatively fast-forward." I think I've read most of those.

I'd like to get input from all the smart people I know out there. What are the best books (picture books or chapter books...whatever) for children?

My favorite picture books are:

Bark, George! by Jules Feiffer

and Tuesday by David Weisner


RainyPM said...

My favorite picture books are:

Miss Suzy - a favorite when I was a kid too.

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus - "I'll give you five bucks."

Little Pea - nooo, not candy for dinner!

Bread and Jam for Frances - I love all of the Frances books. I never realized how smart that mom badger was until I had mine own kid.

Amanda said...

I haven't read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus in a while. I need to go pick that one up. It reminds me of Click Clack Moo. I like that one too.

Bread and Jam for sister LOVED that book. That one and Ferdinand the Bull...I think my mom had those memorized.

Thanks for the suggestions Ellisa, I need to run to the library!

Tricia said...

My favorite books, let's see...

I have too many going through my head (hehe...only the pictures on the covers cuz you know how I can't remember anything after I read them, including titles).

I'll try REALLY REALLY hard to post some of them on my blog tomorrow. said...

My favorite FAKE holiday is

April Is International Stained Glass Month and we try hard to observe that one!

My favorite childs book is

"The Blah" by Jack Kent, it's out of print but there are 7 available on Amazon. Billy feels like a nothing, a blah. When his brother Roger stomps on his blue crayon, he has to start an army of blahs, they are all colors, except blue.

We also like "The Pig In The Floppy Hat" by W B Park this also might be out of print but there are 12 available on Amazon. Jeanne wrote a childrens play to go with the book back in the days when she was teaching drama classes in out home.

Megan said...

I have a ton of's a few:
--Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? - anything Eric Carle (this has been my kids first fav book when they turned 15 months and I still have to read it to them today. My kids love all his books and make me go to his section every single time we're at the library).
--Go Away, Big Green Monster! -by Ed Emberley
--The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss
--What Makes a Rainbow? -by Betty Schwartz
--Are you my Mother? -by P.D.Eastman
--Giggle, Giggle, Quack -by Doreen Cronin
--The Giving Tree -by Shel Silverstein
--If you Give a Mouse a Cookie - we love the whole series
Older kid books:
--The Tale of Despereaux, the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Because of Winn Dixie -by Kate DiCamillo (Katie and I have loved all her books)
--anything by Roald Dahl - James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, etc.
--Magic Treehouse
--Little House on the Prarie
I think that's it...Katie was looking over my list and told me to add the Pigeon books (the bus and hotdog ones)
I wish I read as much to myself as I do with the kids! Happy reading!