Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's That Green Stuff On My Shirt

Walking into the store last night Troy told me I had a big swath of mud on the back of my coat.

Last week I walked to school with "WOW! You're a STAR!" stickers stuck on my sleeves.

After lunch the other day, while walking around town, I scratched an itchy spot on my arm to realize it was a ramen noodle.

Today I looked down and saw a big green something on my shirt.

These are the ones I've noticed. What have I been walking around in that I didn't?

And, more importantly, who will I blame it all on when the kids are older?


Lynette in Delaware said...

Do what I did...get a dog after the kids leave, you can blame the dog, and the dog can't give you away. :)
Or better yet always have a brutally honest friend around!

david@gommstudios.com said...

I was at a grand opening of the local art center. I met Lavell Edwards (former BYU Coach), I went to shake hands with him and he pointed out that I had a streak of food across my jacket. I guess I rubbed up against something.

Way to win friends and influence people!