Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tagged? RATS!

Well this thing is going around and while normally I would deftly avoid it by hitting the "delete" button on my fancy gmail interface, I haven't figured out how to delete other people's blog posts yet and besides, there was no jinx involved for NOT doing it or warm feeling of well being promised if I did...therefore I must!

1) What I was doing 10 years ago

1998: Troy and I were living in the "mushroom apartment" that was probably earning its name by growing mushrooms in the carpet about this time of year, and I was about 8 months pregnant with Random. I spent my days running away from preying mantises (manti? mantis?), reading prenatal books and worrying about all the lead in the pipes.

2) 5 things on my list to do today

-Make Dinner (we're having curry YUM)
-Send an email to Jimmy King, Magician
-Fish the frisbee off the roof (or convince the kids the wind will do it)
-Fold all that laundry I washed today

3) Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire

-Buy a house & hire somebody else to do all the decorating & landscaping
-Travel to Asia & Europe
-Give a llama to a needy family

4) 3 of my bad habits

-I put inside jokes about llamas on our family's blog
-I drink too much soda
-I stay up too late

5) Places I have lived

Seattle, St Louis, Bonney Lake, Puyallup, Provo, Idaho Falls, Eden Prairie (suburb of Minneapolis/St Paul), Canton (Michigan), Chesapeake (Virginia), Burlington (suburb of Toronto, Ontario), Wilsonville (just south of Portland)

6) Things most people don't know about me:

I have an irrational and completely overwhelming fear of moths.

Now I have to tag somebody...oh man, how do I choose? Who will actually do it? Who actually reads this blog? Seriously, do people who remember 1998 read blogs?

Julie, you're it...hope you're enjoying your vacation :-P

1 comment: said...

Michael F. Roizen, The Doctor who Co-authored with Dr Oz, the book "You-Staying Young" had a PBS special about the brain and living longer and said that eating curry several times a week improves brain function.