Monday, March 3, 2008

Amanda's Day Job

In December I had a woman at church ask me if I ever all day long day-care-esque babysat. I told her I had before but wasn't doing that at the moment. It turns out she was going back to work and needed a babysitter for her 4 year old daughter all day and for her 7 year old son after school. I volunteered and pretty soon I was getting all kinds of calls about watching various and sundry children.

I keep a daily blog for the kids since it gives me a sense of accountability and also some sort of proof to the world that what I'm doing is hard work. It's a private blog since I wanted to protect us all from scary people that would want to steal the cute kids or something but it's been a lot of fun to keep that up to date.

I had someone accuse me (you know who you are) of not keeping our blog very updated so I thought I'd share what we did today at our house:

When It Rains, It Pours, and pours and then leaks all over the floor

Well we got back into town from our GREAT vacation Saturday morning but driving all night long twice within a week was more than my immune system could handle! I came down with a pretty major cold Saturday night and by Sunday morning I felt like poo. This morning I woke up early so I could hopefully have the medicine working by the time all the kids arrived and I think my plan worked. The headache's gone, my nose isn't running THAT much and my throat no longer feels like someone's raking it with hot pokers.

The girls have done really well this morning. They played and played for a couple of hours and I had to call them in for a snack. They've colored and lego'd and pixtered to their heart's delight.

I took advantage of their preoccupation to throw some laundry in the washer. I even threw in Scout's life jacket for a hot rinse. Of course that was a terrible idea. It floated on the top and made the washer overflow. I knew it was risky but I figured it was worth it to have a non-mildewy life jacket.

I was moving all the luggage out of the hall and trying to mop up the mess when the girls all piled out of the room. Why did you move the bags? Why are you cleaning the floor? Why are there all these bags? Why is there water on the floor? Why did you make the washer put water on the floor? Why did you put the bags in the water?

I'm constantly amazed at how disrupted these little ones get by just a little variation in life. All 3 girls will remind me if we miss a song or a do something out of order at circle time. My hope is that with our schedule they will feel comfortable knowing what happens next. That they'll have enough stability in their little lives that when it rains, and pours, and leaks all over the floor, they'll be able to deal with it better than me!


Pb said...

I love the Gomms through the ages. Treasures.

Sarah Smiles said...

I can relate. Why are you doing that, Mom? etc. all day and night.